The Jena Six can breathe a sigh of relief, The Reverend Al Sharpton and the New York city based National Action Network is coming to Jena, Louisiana. Just a few moments ago, Rev. Al, interviewing, Marcus Jones on Sharptontalk.net announced that he and his organization is coming to Louisiana. Sharpton was shocked absolutely, at what has occurred in Jena, Louisiana.
Sharpton, asked if there had been any appeals yet, and Jones said; they were seeking for an attorney now to help in the situation. Rev. Al, said as soon as the attorneys' offices open tomorrow, the attorney would be contacted. He [Sharpton] also, on the air stated, the National Action Network would help with defraying attorney costs.
Rev. Sharpton, told Mr. Jones, that he would be obtaining attorney aid, for Mychal Bell, in response to an appeal Jones made stating that his son needs an attorney.
Mr. Jones, brought out about the lack of defense by the court-appointed lawyer. He also brought out, the defense attorney had placed he and Mychal Bell's mother, Melissa Bell on the witness list, which Judge J. P. Mauffray of the 28th Judicial District enforced a gag order, baring the mother and father of Mychal Bell from the court room; they were never called as witnesses.
The Rev. Raymond Brown Chapter Chairman of the New Orleans Branch of the National Action Network, also took part in the interview, and announced a "mass gathering of national proportions" in Jena. Lafayette activist Khadijah Rashad, spoke also of how individuals were tear gassed after a rally on Friday June 29th, after the latest rally in Jena. She stated a plane flew over and gassed people after the rally. Rashad also cited about the, New Iberia incident where citizens were teargassed last autumn by law enforcement.
We should understand that those in charge of the Judicial process in Louisiana are as much responsible for this travesty as any; especially DA Reed Walters, Judge Mauffray. Blane Williams is a pawn in this injustice. Ultimately, all of these individuals are subject to the Louisiana Supreme Court's various entities. We should understand that lawyers are dis-barred by the La. Supreme Court. Judges are investigated by the La. Supreme Court's Judiciary Commission. - - Would it not be the Louisiana Attorney General's duty to deal with a prosecutor's & District Attorneys.

So, the Mass Movement Against Wrongful Convictions has begun. Others in Louisiana, such as Michael Jarvis Cobb are caught up in this web of judicatory prowess against the poor and blacks specifically. Now, that national attention has focused on the Louisiana Justice System, it is time to bring to task to the full, the mechanisms that destroy us, in this judicial process. Cobb was convicted of rapes of three white women and sentenced to 349 years in February 2005. The 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in Baton Rouge denied Cobbs appeal June 26th 2006. The Louisiana Supreme Court refused to hear a writ earlier this year. Cobb is a prisoner in Angola State Prison. There was not a DNA match. Cobb confessed, under duress. That family has continued to secure his release. The "Jena Six" Trials, have given new life to the push against Wrongful Convictions in Louisiana and America.
For the families of persons with similar occurences of like manner, this is the time to come together. We have asked for a convening in Jena, Louisiana to deal with these issues in Louisiana. The boys of Jena are; Mychal Bell, Bryant Purvis, Carwin Jones, Theodore Shaw and the "so-called" un-named juvenile; plus another black 18 year old only charged with the shotgun incident at the Gotta Go Convenience store. Mychal Bell's sentencing is scheduled for July 31st. It's in the peoples' hands now! hlr
The Jena 6 - Six Students Facing 20 Years In Prison