August 7, 2007 - September 4th Court Date to consider Motions!!
Motions filed by Mychal Bell's Attorney Louis Scott; could result in the ending of the court battle concerning the Jena Six.
They tried to leave him hanging anyway. The entire little crew. The folks in charge of the system, both the Blacks and the Whites. Here we have the ACLU state person in Jena, Louisiana; attempting to tell the six parents how to handle the defense committee funds, put there for their children; held captive by this unjust politicised-judicial system. What the Jena 6's parents failed to realize, it is impossible to pacify the powers that be and get freedom at the same time.
Here you have organizations of white folks talking about; send us money, we're the ones who developed the grassroots effort in Jena, Louisiana. Here, you have a, so; subtily, subversive, tactic that the local NAACP branch president ALLEDGEDLY blew the state Vice President off because the Louisiana State Conference of the National Association of Colored People, didn't move fast enough. All the while a so-called civil liberties group, ostracizing a black baptist pastor for inviting the Jena Six Defense Committee folk to attend the Church service at least once, as a matter of respect.
Plus, a few weeks ago, Bill Quigley purportedly sent by Tory Pegram, through [she said] state Senator Charles D. Jones; to file motions to fire indigent defender Blane Williams, among other motions; and yet, no certificate of service was filed, meaning the opposing attorneys; the D. A. & Blane Williams weren't notified; rendering the motions of none effect. All the while, Bill Quigley the accomplished civil rights attorney, leaves the country for three weeks. And his second in command, Ms. Fernandez; whom his voicemail said was the next contact person had left the country also, leaving only an administrative assistant to handle the matters at hand.
Needless to say no satisfaction was obtained in the Bill Quigley Fiasco.
In the meantime, up pops Blane Williams and accosted the boy Mychal Bell at LaSalle Correctional Center, and told him; "You can't fire me", as if to further intimidate and threaten a young black boy locked down in a state-side repressive prison system.
And now, today, 30 July 2007, the subversion by the system is still in place. The effects of a systematic approach to dis-embow any black move owned by black folks: the ACLU's Tory Pegram along with King Downing' will attempt to further destroy any semblance of a unified black front.
The article below appeared in the News-Star & The Town Talk this morning. But by 3:26pm the articles were gone, off both sites. HMMMMMMMM.
Convicted Jena student gets beefed up appellate team
July 30, 2007
The Associated Press
MONROE — A group of Monroe defense lawyers has taken on the appeal of a black high school student convicted last month of beating a white student in Jena.
The lawyers will take up the case of Mychal Bell, one of six black high school students known as the Jena six.
Louis Scott, one of the Monroe lawyers, said Bell’s case and trial were fraught with errors.
“Almost always when you have an unfair result, somewhere down the line you had an unfair process,” Scott said.
A six-person, all-white jury found Bell, 17, guilty of second-degree aggravated battery and conspiracy to commit second-degree aggravated battery on June 28 for the Dec. 4 assault on Justin Barker.
Bell had been charged with attempted second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit attempted second-degree murder, but prosecutors reduced the charges.
The other five defendants are Theo Shaw, Robert Bailey Jr., Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis and an unnamed juvenile. They are still facing the more serious charges.
Scott said had Bell been charged with battery in the beginning the case never would have been transferred from the juvenile system.
“The juvenile court system was designed to handle such things as school fights and problems and differences that arise in the school system,” Scott said. “It’s based on the realization that many times immature people take immature actions or react in immature ways.”
He also said the trial should have been moved away from Jena because of pretrial publicity.
Bell is scheduled for sentencing in September. JFAL
So, all the while; the help was on the way! And it is still on the Way. More help. Dr. King kinda help, black & white TOGETHER!! And with no shenanigans.hlr