An Assassin's Bullet in St. Louis' (Ferguson) has become a FlashPoint for the misery of Black America!!
A bonafide solution to the ongoing Morass in St. Louis'(Ferguson)~to be accomplished STAT!!
As in the other most notable uprising in America's recent history, the dynamics of injustice in America, has just "wobbled" as the earth "wobbled" in 2004; just before the Tsunami hit.What must be done, to end the morass in Missouri, is for Ms. Lesley McSpadden to come atop one of the "militarized vehicles" in the night. She must say, STOP!!!-END THE VIOLENCE!! Over a Bullhorn in to a Miked PA-System!
Ms. McSpadden is the only VOICE, that can stop this mayhem, now.

Black America's Pain.
As I Compose this peace, CNN's Don Lemon is reporting someone has been shot. If it doesn't stop tonight the thing will devolve in to utter chaos, and will spread across the country.
Who will Stand for the People and say what must, really be said.
NY's Staten Island, Los Angeles, Victorville. The John Crawford Walmart killing. More than just open season!! Black America's Misery
On Public Display for All to See. It should now be, recognized that the heart of America is broken. The National Guard didn't help!! State Police couldn't help. It is the voice of the Mother, that will wilt and melt all.
However, it must be stated; this place is one of the meanest places in the States!! St. Louis has a new kind of blues to sing. It will be seen. It will come to pass.
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