I find it absolutely infamously apropro, Georgia decided on September 21st as the date to kill him. In September 2007, the very next day after "the march", The LaSalle Court's action had principals in the matter, scurrying from the scene, in tears, almost a blittering, idiot.
Well, we; somebody ought to get it now. Just because a man is not a Cop Killer, does not release you from "Killery". And it makes no difference, if the
"Killerer" is us: The State; whom we support with prayers as Christians, and taxes of the poor!! If you, really sick of CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, stop supporting the STATE. THE Supreme Court is the STATE!! Justice Thomas was pressed with presenting the Petition to the Court, an accused man himself.
The whole damned, country should revolt, and nobody pay no Taxes, and let the Bastard gone spin-off, into anarchy & Chaos. That's what the Neo-Cons want. The Bastards, who refuse to be chastised. Hurricanes, crashed economy, 9-11-01 - all that; and the Bastards, the illegitimate bastards deny God as the "actionary" bringing climate uncontrolled CHAOS.
Six months after the Supreme Court previously refused all attempts to stop the execution of Georgia inmate Troy Anthony Davis, his lawyers on Wednesday filed a new plea seeking to head off the state schedule to put him to death Wednesday evening. The brief filing, promising to send in “shortly” a new plea for Supreme Court review of his case, can be found here. The state swiftly replied, arguing against any delay. You, Me, Us and Them can check things Out!
Davis had been convicted of MacPhail's 1989 killing. Prosecutors said Davis was pistol-whipping a homeless man after asking him for a beer when MacPhail, who was working as a security guard at the time, rushed over to help. Authorities said Davis had a smirk on his face when he shot the officer in a Burger King parking lot in Savannah.
The State of the Black Way is exemplified in the speech The President made to the Congressional Black Caucus! It is the same CBC, of which a Congressman was in contact with one of the Attorney's for Mychal Bell on the last days of the young man's completely disrputed DAY OF COURT.
Peculiarly so, Sammy Franklin; the LaSalle Parish Sheriff's Daddy, wrote an article -
"Jumping Frogs" in 2008 before Barack Obama was the Nominee for the Democratic Presidency.
Editor Franklin wrote in '08
They now have the perfect candidate because they can squash criticism by playing the race card. If you don’t like Obama, or criticize him, you are a racist. They can hide his inexperience and background by turning him into a rock star and singing change and hope. They don’t tell us what kind of change, or how it will be done, only that you should hope for the best. By keeping the hype going they don’t have to put anything of substance on the table.He went on to say:
The only thing we really know about Obama is that his wife has never been proud to be an American. They want us to believe that his liberal college professors, Rev. Pfleger, his ties to radicals Bill Ayer and Lewis Farakon, and listening to the Rev. Wright’s hate talks for 20 years, had no influence on his thinking. If they didn’t, then who did? He wasn’t in business and didn’t see fit to serve his country. These people launched his political career and their organizations received earmarks in return for their campaign donations and political help. They must have had some influence. Rev. Wright’s church received over $15 million. That’s only one small local church. Think on a national scale.
"The old sage’s (over 50) will have to play a big role in this election. The young people simply don’t know what the aged know. The advantage of aging is the knowledge you accumulated. You know what United States Means. You know what the seldom-heard word respect means. You know how wonderful freedom and independence is. You know the difference between a strong and a weak nation; and you know what it takes to keep it strong. You know history because you have lived it.Let this be a notice to all, before the Tpartiers there was the Oathkeepers
Although the old guard is dying off, and getting too tired to fight, they have to muster one more charge. If they don’t, our children, and grandchildren, will never know the joy and freedom that is the bedrock of our country. The heat is slowly being turned up and the water is getting hot. The old frogs better start jumping before it’s too late.”
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